Saturday, December 12, 2015

ITALIA - Garlasco, Stasi condannato a 16 anni

Un quarto d’ora dopo la lettura della sentenza della Cassazione che condanna l’assassino della loro Chiara, Rita e Giuseppe Poggi aprono il cancello della loro villetta. L’avevano promesso, qualunque fosse stata la decisione dei giudici. Dopo una notte di tormenti, temendo un esito diverso, uscire da casa adesso è una liberazione. «Giustizia è stata fatta, finalmente», dice la madre, accennando un sorriso garbato, gli occhi lucidi, come quelli del marito. Sono soddisfatti, è evidente, ma senza trionfalismi. «Non bisogna dimenticare che è una tragedia per due famiglie, per me Alberto era quasi come un figlio», quasi sussurra la signora Rita. Poi riprende vigore: «Otto anni per avere una sentenza definitiva sono tanti, ma in tutto questo tempo non abbiamo mai pensato di mollare e di rinunciare a chiedere la verità».

INC News, 12/12/2015 - via Corriere

Cop21, arriva la firma. Fabius: "L'aumento della temperatura sarà mantenuto entro 1,5 gradi"

Come un giudice che emette la sua sentenza, il presidente della Cop21 Laurent Fabius ha usato un martelletto, rigorosamente verde, per sancire l'accordo che i 195 stati presenti alla conferenza sul clima di Parigi hanno votato. Platea in piedi e applausi scroscianti per quello che è stato già definito un accordo dal valore storico. Limite di 1,5 gradi al rialzo della temperatura, cento miliardi di dollari per i paesi in via di sviluppo e revisione ogni ciqnue anni sui tagli alle emissioni nocive. Questi i tre punti fondamentali dell'accordo.
Leggere la cronaca della giornata QUI

INC News, 12/12/2015 - via Repubblica


At least 2 dead in neurological hospital fire in central Russia.

At least two people have been killed and 13 injured in a fire at a neurological hospital in Russia’s Voronezh region.
Up to 70 people are believed to have been inside the building, among them four medical personnel, when the fire started. Some 53 people have been evacuated from the burning building, according to emergencies services working at the scene.
The roof of the institution partially collapsed when the fire consumed at least 200 square meters of the building.

Details to follow
INC News, 12/12/2015 - via RT

Our 3 trailers of the week! - Number 1 - The brothers Grimsby

INC News, 12/12/2015 - via Web

Our 3 trailers of the week! - Number 2 - Apocalypse

INC News, 12/12/2015 - via Web

Our 3 trailers of the week! - Number 3 - Anesthesis

INC News, 12/12/2015 - via Web

Обстрелян офис влиятельной турецкой оппозиционной газеты "Хюрриет"

INC News, 12/12/2015 - via Russiya 24tv

Does Mona Lisa have a hidden personality? BBC News

INC News, 12/12/2015 - via BBC News

How Osama Bin Laden gave CIA the slip - BBC News

INC News, 12/12/2015

Теракт в Хомсе унес жизни более двадцати человек

INC News, 12/12/2015 - via RT

В Лейпциге произошли столкновения между неонацистами и полицией

INC News, 12/12/2015 - via RT

Raw: Saudi Women Vote in Landmark Elections

INC News, 12/12/2015 - via AP

Raw: Paris Protesters Denounce Climate Accord

INC News, 12/12/2015 - via AP

Raw: Iraqis Protest Turkish Troops in North

INC News, 12/12/2015 - via AP

Who is responsible for what’s happening to our planet?

INC News, 12/12/2015 - via AL JAZEERA

‘Historic accord’ on climate adopted, activists in Paris denounce the deal as ‘weak’

An agreement on what has been dubbed a “historic” package of measures on capping rising temperatures worldwide has been signed at Paris summit. While it obliges states to limit global warming to 2 degrees Celsius, activists say it's not enough.
The 31-page draft of the "Paris Agreement" stated that it "aims to strengthen the global response to the threat of climate change in the context of sustainable development and efforts to eradicate poverty, including by holding the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2 degrees Celsius [3.6 Fahrenheit] above preindustrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius [2.7 Fahrenheit]."
The document, presented to international negotiators on Saturday, suggests that the world urgently needs to increase "the ability to adapt to the adverse impacts of climate change and foster climate resilience and low greenhouse gas emissions development, in a manner that does not threaten food production."
Read article clicking HERE
INC News, 12/12/2015 - via RT


Water cannons & tear gas deployed against rioters at neo-Nazi demonstration in Leipzig

Police have used tear gas and water cannon in the German city of Leipzig against neo-Nazi protesters, who was throwing, stones, bottles and fireworks at officers. A number of people have been injured, according to local media. The rally gathered about 1,000 people, a police spokesman said, according Der Tagesspiegel.
INC News, 12/12/2015 - via RT

Хуситы в Йемене объявили перемирие на день раньше запланированного

INCnews, 12/12/2015 - via Russia 24

"Бриллиантовому мальчику" заочно предъявили обвинение

INCnews, 12/12/2015 - via Russia 24

Из-за глобального потепления Калифорнию может "разорвать" на две части

INCnew, 12/12/2015 - via Russia 24

В Чикаго протестующие против полицейского произвола требуют отставки мэра

INCnews, 12/12/2015 - via RT

В результате взрыва в Хомсе погибли не менее 10 человек

INCnews, 12/12/2015 - via RT

Силы ядерного сдерживания ВМФ РФ произвели пуск межконтинентальной ракет...

INCnew,12/12/2015 - via RT

Christscalers: Russian & Ukrainian daredevils sneak to top of Rio’s Jesu...

INC News, 12/12/2015 - via RT

New mortgage rules on homes over $500K

INC News, 12/12/2015 - via CBC News

Buried alive and screaming for help

INC News, 12/12/2015 - via CBC News

More Airlines Ban Hoverboards as a Fire Danger

INC News, 12/12/2015 - via AP

Argentina pays tribute to the Fab Four

INC News, 12/12/2015 - via AL JAZEERA

Taliban attack Kabul's diplomatic area

INC News, 12/12/2015 - AL JAZEERA

Children of Prisoners Reunite with their Fathers Behind Bars for a Day

INC News, 12/12/2015 - via abc News

Young Girl Who Received a Liver Transplant Meets Her Doctor 14 Years Later

INC News, 12/12/2015 - via abc News

Delivery Companies Struggling to Get Packages Out on Time

INC News, 12/12/2015 - via abc News

US airstrike on Kunduz hospital killed over 42

The number of fatalities caused by the US airstrike on a Doctors without Borders’ hospital in Kunduz, Afghanistan, has grown to 42, the organization said in a statement on Saturday. The revised figures came after a two-month investigation and include the 14 MSF staff members confirmed to have been killed, as well as 24 patients and four caretakers, who were relatives providing additional nursing care for the patients in the hospital.
INC News, 12/12/2015 - via RT